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Swordwind is a non-profit organization with a Board of Directors

You are welcome to look through our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws at any time and you may request official Minutes and financial information. You also have a right to attend Board Meetings! Board Meetings are held at least once per quarter and are held either in-person or over Zoom. You can request Board Meeting directions through


Swordwind has adopted a level system for individual growth! The aim of these levels is to help you with your individual goal setting. They won't be used to compare you to any other student at all nor will they be used to establish a hierarchy nor are they competitive in any way. These are OPT IN. If you don't want to participate, you don't have to. You won't be pressured at all.


There are three levels: 1, 2, 3.

  • Level 1: You receive your level 1 patch after you've completed your Intro course and you choose to become a member of Swordwind. You're learning fundamentals.

  • Level 2 is where you'll spend the most time as it's the most broad and there's so much to learn from techniques to broader concepts (ex: understanding tempi or vor/nach/indes).

  • Level 3 students understand the concepts from levels 1 & 2 and can apply them.


See the documents for more information! Remember this is pretty broad and intended only to help understand your own growth. If you'd like to know your level and would like your patch, please let your instructor know!



If there is any concerns you have regarding your experiences at Swordwind you can always talk to an instructor anytime. Additionally, you can fill out the feedback form below:



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